JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has sealed resorts, tours, and other commercial facilities belonging to PT PB in Anambas Regency, Riau Islands that do not have a permit.

The Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP), Admiral TNI Dr. Adin Nurawaluddin, M. Han said that this termination was a follow-up to the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) against PT. PB, which is indicated to have carried out small islands utilization activities that were not in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Based on the Minutes of Investigation, PT. PB was declared to have violated the use of small islands because it did not have PKKPRL documents, Business Licensing, Small Island Utilization Permits, and Conservation Area Utilization Permits. For this reason, as of today, March 10. The KKP forcibly suspended all activities of PT. PB in Anambas Regency," said Adin in his statement to the media quoted on Saturday, March 11.

He explained that previously, KKP through the Directorate General of PSDKP had given Commemoration I and Commemoration II to PT. BP in mid-2022. However, because there was no intention of completing the PKKPRL, and applying for a Business Permit, a Small Island Utilization Permit, and a Conservation Area Utilization Permit, the KKP then made a recall to the PT. PB manager.

According to Adin's statement, PT PB is a foreign investment company (PMA) that manages a group of islands in Anambas Regency, Riau Islands, which covers the Lower Island covering an area of 46.16 Ha, Elang Island 3.15 Ha, Murba Island 1.22 Ha and Sangga Island 20.40 Ha. There are as many as 30 resorts with occupancy rates of 30 percent every month. Generally, tourists come from Batam to Bawah Island using a sea plane or water plane with a capacity of 8 people owned by the company.

"According to the direction of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the implementation of sea space utilization must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations so as not to cause ecological damage, as stated in PERMEN KKP Number 53 of 2020 concerning Entity for PPK Utilization Permits in the context of Foreign Investment (PMA)," explained Adin.

For the violations committed, Adin emphasized that PT. PB is subject to administrative sanctions based on Article 18 Number 28 jo Number 29 PERPU Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 4 in conjunction with Article 7 paragraph (1) letter b and paragraph (2) letter c of Permen KKP Number 31 of 2021 concerning the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions in the Marine and Fisheries Sector, namely government coercion or temporary suspension of activities.

Furthermore, Adin explained that the temporary suspension of PT. PB is carried out until PT. PB can fulfill licensing obligations in accordance with applicable regulations in carrying out business activities.

Previously, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, had conveyed his seriousness in supervising the management activities of coastal areas and small and marine islands in Indonesia to be carried out strictly. This is done so that the marine and fisheries sector can contribute to increasing Indonesia's economic growth by not threatening the sustainability of the existing ecology.

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