JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin asked the Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) to seriously investigate and strengthen monitoring efforts against foreign tourists who violate the rules, especially in Bali. The monitoring, he said, needs to be carried out together with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). "I ask the Minister of Tourism and the Director General of Immigration to investigate it as soon as possible, tighten again anyone who enters our country," said Cak Imin, Friday, March 10.Muhaimin admitted that he was angry with the proliferation of the phenomenon of foreigners which has recently gone viral because it often has negative behavior in Bali. "I have been more and more concerned with the behavior of a number of tourists in our country, especially in Bali. They are guests, so they must follow the rules here," he added. According to him, firm action by processing the law up to deportation for foreigners (WNA) who are naughty because they violate the rules in order to maintain Indonesia's territory. "We must be firm for the sake of Indonesian muruah, do not hesitate the legal process and deportation if there are foreigners who want to work or run fake businesses," he said. Moreover, continued Cak Imin, Bali is not only an ordinary tourist area, but there are many traditional and cultural elements that must be respected by anyone. "There are many religious, customary, and strong places," he said. Muhammadimin also asked the local government (the local government) to encourage institutional leaders, agencies, agencies, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to be careful in order to be more careful in selecting foreigners who want to work or run businesses. "Not least as long as it is allowed if there are foreigners who want to open businesses illegally, selection first, the local government needs to intervene as well, prioritizing local community empowerment rather than foreigners," said Muhaimin. In the last few months, cases of foreigners and problematic foreign tourists have become a public spotlight, especially those who violate the rule of law in Indonesia. For example, riding motorbikes without completeness of letters and helmets, driving ugal-politicities, misapproprivilegate ID cards, and work illegally.

Previously, the Head of the Immigration Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bali Barron Ichsan said that from January to the second week of March 2023 there were 22 foreigners in Bali who were prosecuted by Immigration for violating immigration administration regulations. "During 2023, there were 22 foreigners who were affected by immigration administration actions, five of whom were Russian citizens. Indeed, the group was the highest," Barron said during a press conference at the Immigration Office in Denpasar, Bali.

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