Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets and detonated explosives on Wednesday, after an Israeli attack in Jenin killed six people.

Those who died in Israeli operations in the West Bank on Tuesday, including a man suspected of shooting two Jewish brothers near Huwara last week. The attack injured 26.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday congratulated Jenin's attack commanders, saying it was an "extraordinary intelligence and operational achievement".

"With your actions, you send a clear and sharp message to everyone who thinks of killing an Israeli citizen: we will complete an account with you," he said.

Israeli security forces named 49-year-old Abdul Fattah Kharusah a Hamas militant who killed Israeli brothers in Huwara. Meanwhile, Hamas issued a statement identifying Kharushah as a member.

Separately, Al Qassam Hamas' Izzuddin Brigade called for further escalation of "armed resistance in front of its occupation and confiscation", in response to recent developments.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Israeli military said an explosive exploded near troops operating on the Gaza border. No Israeli casualties were reported.

Meanwhile, Palestinian reports said two Hamas militants were lightly injured after Israeli forces responded to the explosion with artillery fire.

Israeli forces carried out engineering operations near the Gaza security barrier. The military released a statement saying, "tank (Israel) crashed into a military post belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Southern Gaza Strip."

The attack was the latest case of fighting in the West Bank, after a deadly rampage by Israeli settlers more than a week ago in Huwara, outside Nablus.

During the attack, hundreds of Israelis burned Palestinian homes and shops, resulting in the death of a Palestinian and about a dozen injuries.

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