The Aceh Panglima Laot Institute (sea) stated that one ship that was strongly suspected of carrying Rohingya immigrants was again observed in the Andaman Sea area or bordered Aceh waters. "It is true that fishermen in the Andaman Sea have observed the border between Aceh Island and Nikobar, India," said Secretary to Panglima Laot Aceh Miftach Tjut Adek in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, March 8. This was conveyed by Miftach Tjut Adek in response to the circulation of a video of Acehnese fishermen showing the presence of a Rohingya immigrant ship located in the border areas of Aceh and India waters. Panglima Laot is an Aceh traditional marine institution that oversees fishermen in Aceh. All problems related to the sea in Aceh cannot be separated from the authority of the institution. Miftach said that information on the Rohingya immigrant ship had been received three days ago. However, it is not known for sure which area the refugees are currently in. "But information about three days ago there was indeed a Rohingya-like ship on the border of Nikobar and Aceh Island," he said. He explained that during 2023 Aceh had twice the arrival of Rohingya refugees. First in Sunday (8/1) as many as 184 people in the Lamnga Gampong Beach (village) Baro District, Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar District. Then, on Thursday (16/2), a Rohingya immigrant ship carrying 69 refugees was stranded again in the Lampanah Leungah Mukim area, Seulimeum District, Aceh Besar District. Now, the immigrant ship has been monitored again in the border areas of Aceh and Nicobar India. It is not yet known exactly where the refugees are going, said Miftach Tjut Adek.

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