JAKARTA - NU Representative, Amsori Ahmad asked Polda Metro Jaya investigators to thoroughly investigate the involvement of AG (15), a minor in the case of severe persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio (20) to David Ozora (17).

"I hope PMJ investigators will immediately investigate this case regarding AG's involvement and where he is in," said Amsori when confirmed, Wednesday, March 8.

He said that if AG was found guilty and fulfilled the elements of involvement that required the detention process, Ansori continued, the police should have made the decision. So that it does not become a public question about the legal status of the 15-year-old woman.

"I hope PMJ investigators will immediately investigate this case regarding AG's involvement where he is, if there is an element it is proven clear and clear, well, what's wrong with it, because the public also saw what this was doing," he said.

According to him, all those people will be the same before the law. Even in the rules, they don't look at age, if they are really proven guilty.

UU Perlindungan Anak, pasal, terkait hukum di Indonesia tidak ada hukum yang terbaluh. Equality before the law, siapapun pasti kena yah. Dalam hukum itu sepanjang ada unsur tindak pidana dan pasti ada unsur tertateng pada si AG dan lainnya, tutupnya.

Previously, it was reported that the police had upgraded the legal status of AG (Agnes) from a child witness to the perpetrator in the case of persecution of David Ozora. In fact, he is suspected of having multiple articles.

"Then for AG's children, we call AG's children, these children who are in conflict with the law, the article is 76c in conjunction with Article 80 of the Child Protection Law and/or 355 paragraph 1 in conjunction with 56, subsidiary 354 paragraph 1 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code, more subsidiary 353 paragraph 2 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code, more than subsidiary 351 paragraph 2 in conjunction with 56 of the Criminal Code," said Director of General Crime Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Thursday, March 2.

Although the alleged article for AG has been determined, the matter of the threat of criminal punishment is reluctant to be detailed. The reason is that experts who have the authority to convey it. "Regarding the maximum threat, criminal experts will convey it later because here again colleagues, formally for minors, there is different treatment. Likewise, if children are victims, there is materiality in the child protection law," said Hengki.

Meanwhile, AG's status has been upgraded from witness to child to perpetrator. This was done based on evidence and the results of the case title. "There has been a change in the status of AG (Agnes) which was originally a child who faced the law and changed to or increased his status to become a child who was in conflict with the law or in other words changed to become the perpetrator," said Hengki. The increase in Agnes' status based on digital forensic examination carried out by investigators, either from WhatsApp chat, videos on mobile phones including CCTV footage.

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