JAKARTA - The Covid-19 pandemic became one of the topics discussed in the political speech of the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri at the celebration of her party's 48th Anniversary, Sunday 10 January. PDIP's birthday this time was held amidst an apprehensive atmosphere due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The daughter of the proclamator of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, also expressed her deep condolences for the health workers who died in their service duties.

"Thank you for the health workers who continue to devote themselves to saving the people from exposure to Covid-19. Thank you for the teachers and educators who continue to devote themselves to enlightening children with knowledge, even with technical obstacles that must be faced," Megawati said in a statement. electronic messages received by journalists.

"Thank you also for the farmers, fishermen, workers in all sectors and MSMEs who do not give up, continue to struggle to keep the country's economy going. Prayers and struggle with you, Mother."

Megawati admitted that this pandemic made her reflect a lot and tried to dig up the pages of her political life. This spiritual contemplation brought him to the deepest memory of Soekarno's political ideals and ideals.

"I ask Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, determine my love for the motherland and the nation, always burning in my chest, until I was carried into the grave when Allah called me home," said Megawati, sobbing as she repeated the words. -the father said.

Megawati said, almost a year the pandemic has hit Indonesia as well as other countries. He considered that the world was forced to enter into a new civilization, which should open the inner eye, mind and soul.

"This is the time for us to be truly, consistent, and truly implement Pancasila. Pancasila should not be a jargon. This nation needs to implement Pancasila," said Megawati.

What does it mean? According to Megawati, in times of crisis like this, faith in God Almighty is tested.

"Tested to continue to fight with endeavor and commitment for humanity, in the spirit of unity," he said.

In addition, during a pandemic like this, it is necessary to revive the spirit of kinship and mutual cooperation, which is led by a policy, which strives for the country to continue to maintain a prosperous, orderly and peaceful life and livelihood. A social justice for all Indonesian people

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