JAKARTA - Military Cross-Later Command (Kolinlamil) offers recreation of warships for residents of victims of the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire, North Jakarta. This offer is a form of recovery from trauma.

"We will transport it. We will pick up anyone who wants to join. Earlier, we received information that there were around 90 to 150 people, we will prepare it," said the Commander of the Military Cross-Later Command (Pangkolinlamil) Rear Admiral TNI Yayan Sofiyan while reviewing the location of the fire refugees at PMI North Jakarta Headquarters, Tuesday, March 7, confiscated by Antara.

Yayan explained that the KRI Banda Aceh-593 ship is currently leaning at the Kolinlamil Command Headquarters (Moko) pier, North Jakarta. Later, residents affected by the fire will be able to introduce the situation and condition of the warships of the Republic of Indonesia from Indonesian Navy soldiers

"The recreation includes boat tours and facilities tours (facility touring)," he said.

He also mentioned that recreation on warships also offers information about the TNI Al. "Hopefully this will be a means of refreshing, which is fun so that you don't get bored while in refugee camps," he added.

As a result of the fire incident in Depo Plumpang, many local residents had to be willing to leave their homes to save themselves in order to avoid casualties.

Although currently the red rooster has been successfully extinguished, it leaves deep sorrow for residents who have lost their homes and property.

In accordance with the emphasis of the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Muhammad Ali that wherever the Indonesian Navy is, it must provide benefits for the surrounding community.

The rapid reaction was encouraged by the Indonesian Navy by deploying a team from the Navy Psychology to help with trauma recovery in order to reduce the burden of problems that occurred in the community in synergy with PMI North Jakarta and other stakeholders.

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