NTB - Sumbawa District Attorney (Kejari) examined the Director of Sumbawa Hospital, dr. Nieta Ariyani related to the alleged corruption case of funds from the Regional Umun Service Agency (BLUD) in 2021. Nieta was examined as a witness.

"Yes, the person concerned was examined today as a witness," said Sumbawa Kejari Head Adung Sutriangono who was met in Mataram, NTB, Monday, March 6, confiscated by Antara.

Apart from Nieta, who has just served, the Prosecutor's Office also conducted an examination of 3 Sumbawa Regional Hospital employees. They are Hermansyah, Syarif Hidayat and Taufik Hidayat.

"So, after yesterday six people were examined. Today, four were examined," he said.

The examination of witnesses from the Sumbawa Hospital, he said, was still related to tracing the management of BLUD funds in 2021.

"This examination is for the completeness of the investigation file," he said.

Adung also stated that the witness examination would continue, because this investigation was still in its early stages.

"Let us work first, and in time we will definitely convey developments," said Adung.

Kejari Sumbawa menangani kasus ini berdasarkan adanya laporan masyarakat. Tindak lanjut laporan, jaksa melakukan kajian dari dokumen kelengkapan laporan yang menguatkan indikasi pidana dalam pengelolaan dana BLUD tahun 2021.

This report was previously revealed to have entered the NTB Prosecutor's Office in November 2021. In the report, it was outlined that there was a project for the procurement of goods and services with a budget of more than Rp. 1 billion was auctioned using a direct appointment mechanism.

The projects include the procurement of medical equipment DRX Ascend System, which is worth IDR 1.49 billion. There is also Mobile DR worth IDR 1.04 billion.

According to the reporter, there are allegations of a mechanism that collides with the Sumbawa Regent Regulation Number: 16/2015 concerning PBJ at the BLUD Sumbawa Hospital and Presidential Decree Number: 16/2018 concerning Government PBJ.

Then, there are also irregularities in the budget for health services (jaspelkes). There are allegations of abuse of authority in employee remuneration.

In the report, the Director of the Sumbawa Hospital for the 2021 BLUD fund management period, is suspected of having also received privileges with a quota of 5 percent of the total Jaspelkes.

The legal basis also refers to the Regulation of the Director of the Sumbawa Hospital Number: 82/2021 concerning the Distribution of Jaspel at the Sumbawa Hospital.

In the description of the regulations, the amount of Jaspelkes is for the leadership element with a remuneration from Jaspelkes 5 percent which is divided again into 3 percent for the performance of the director; 0.77 percent for the performance of the Head of TU; 0.73 percent for the performance of the Head of Service; and 0.5 percent for the performance of the Head of Nursing.

In fact, this Jaspelkes arrangement must refer to Permendagri Number: 79/2018 concerning BLUD which contains Regulations on Remuneration Distribution which use regional head regulations, not RSUD director regulations.

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