JAKARTA - The Regional Police of West Java (West Java) will study the permit for residential development in Cihanjuang Village, Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency, West Java, which was hit by landslides that left dozens of people buried.
"We will explore this, what the licensing is like," said West Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri at the landslide location, Antara reported, Sunday, January 10.
Dofiri himself considered that the sloping land was not suitable for community housing. This is because landslides have the potential to occur in that area.
"Areas like this where housing is built should be very vulnerable. However, later we will explore it," he said.
Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also said that the sloping land area should not have been forced to become a settlement.
According to him, the landslide incident could be an example of a disaster that resulted in casualties. Therefore he also asked all parties to understand the risk.
"Of course not (habitable), and this is a warning and a warning, not as simple as may or may not, but we as a government society must work together," said Ridwan Kamil.
So far, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has also asked the local community to be willing to do temporary relocation until they wait for the results of an in-depth study of the vulnerability of the area.
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