JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board (Dewas) reminded that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has great authority in taking action. The control function is expected to be maximized in the future so that abuse does not occur.

"KPK has an extraordinary authority to eradicate corruption so we are expected to have control," said Member of the KPK Supervisory Board Harjono in a written statement quoted on Saturday, March 4.

This control, continued Hardjono, is carried out by implementing a code of ethics. According to him, KPK personnel have limitations that must be obeyed by everyone without exception.

The code of ethics consists of integrity, synergy, fairness, professionalism and leadership. All of these values ​​must be implemented by employees and leaders of the anti-corruption commission.

“Integrity has a very important role. This point can be a pillar for the KPK," he said.

In addition to integrity, employees must also have leadership qualities. Hardjono said, this leadership does not have to be based on position because these two things are different.

"People can have high positions, but maybe the value of leadership has not been fulfilled. So, leadership does not only belong to the leader but can be born without a position," he said.

With the application of these values, it is hoped that the KPK will be able to maintain its image and public trust in carrying out its duties. It is certain that Dewas will continue to pay attention and will not hesitate to impose sanctions on anyone who violates it.

Hardjono said, these sanctions would be given in accordance with the KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 3 of 2021 and the KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 4 of 2021. "This type of violation can be seen based on the actions and impact on work units, commissions, government and/or the state," he explained .

"As for the sanctions themselves, they are divided into two categories, namely sanctions for Board of Trustees and Leaders, as well as employee sanctions in which there are types of mild, moderate and severe sanctions," he concluded.

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