JAKARTA - Special Staff (Staffsus) Vice President (Wapres) Robikin Emhas praised the fit and proper test (UKK) for the legislative candidates for the DPR conducted by PKB. According to him, efforts to involve external examiners show that PKB is an open party.

He conveyed this when he was an external examiner in the UKK for the DPR candidate at the PKB DPP Office, Jakarta, Friday, March 3 "(It shows PKB) a party that is not allergic to figures who even have different political views. The proof is that external examiners from various backgrounds, including their political views. Hopefully, this will increase their scope and increase the number of participants," said Robikin, confiscated by Antara.

Going forward through the UKK, Robikin hopes that PKB can obtain candidates who are worthy, with integrity, and are able to absorb the aspirations of the people in their respective electoral districts (dapil).Robikin is optimistic that the recruitment mechanism for legislative candidates, as is done by PKB, will improve the quality of democracy. Furthermore, he said, this could also improve the quality of the DPR. "This is something very encouraging and I see that from the future, the candidates who take part in the UKK are very varied. Some are very worthy, very ready to fight for seats in their electoral districts. There are also those who have a clear commitment that later being elected as members of the DPR what will be done. Candidates like this, in my opinion, are very worthy of being selected by the community. There are also those whose quality is still very standard, but not below the standard, "explained Robikin.

According to him, PKB has the opportunity to become a party that is able to win many voters in the 2024 election because various survey results show that the party has extraordinary service quality improvements. In various polls, a number of survey institutions that deserve to be trusted, the PKB ranking is quite good in my opinion. I hope that in the future PKB can become a top party, can get out of the middle party trap and the signs are clearly visible," he said.," he said.

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