Jogjakarta - Agus Jabo Priyono's profile is currently the trending search material. Of course, he is not an ordinary person who suddenly appears viral on social media or is a celebrity sensation.

No kidding, Agus Jabo Priyono surprised almost the entire virtual world when he sued the KPU for postponing the elections.

The Central Jakarta District Court won the civil lawsuit of the Prosperous Justice People's Party (Prima) against the KPU.

In this decision, the Central Jakarta District Court has very deep considerations regarding violations of the principles of accuracy and professionalism when carrying out verification of political party administration.

During the administrative verification stage, the party founded by Agus Jabo was declared not to have met the membership requirements. This resulted in the party not being able to proceed to the factual verification stage.

At first, the Prima Party felt that it had fulfilled the membership requirements, it's just that the KPU's Political Party Information System (Sipol) had problems and became the culprit for their failure to pass the administrative verification stage.

Then who is Agus Jabo Priyono actually?

Agus Jabo Priyono was previously the general chairman of the People's Democratic Party (PRD). The party was a political party that facilitated the gathering of people who were anti-New Order (Orba), which at that time was led by Suharto.

VOI obtained some interesting data, including from the official Prima Party website regarding the biography of the KPU conqueror.

Agus Jabo Priyono started his career in the activist world as a member of the Indonesian Islamic Students (PII).

Studying at 11 Maret University in Surakarta, Central Java, he was the founder of the PRD, the party which included Budiman Sujatmiko and Adrian Napitupulu in 1996.

The party had a sizable contribution to Suharto's overthrow at that time. The membership of the PRD was filled by students who were anti-Orba.

It had not been heard from the public for a long time, as if the PRD had been in a vacuum, in fact, they were back with the Prima Party and suddenly rocked the news by causing the KPU to postpone the election.

The Prima Party itself was founded in 2021 on June 1st. In its declaration, the party seemed to bring out the old face of the PRD.

Their loud voices were "Prima, the party of ordinary people, was born in the midst of the violent currents of the nation's life".

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