West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police Investigators have postponed the transfer of suspects and evidence to the NTB District Attorney's Office (Kejati) for a letter forgery case in the Gili Air tourist area, North Lombok. The postponement of phase two is because the suspect with the initials MU is sick.

"Delayed because the person concerned (suspect MU) is old and sickly," said the Daily Executor of the Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Senior Commissioner of Police Lalu Muhammad Iwan Mahardan in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, February 2, was confiscated by Antara.

In handling this case, it was also stated that the reporter with the reported MU who is now a suspect is still a brother.

In fact, the complainant was also a suspect in the MU suspect's report regarding Article 385 of the Criminal Code regarding land confiscation at the North Lombok Police.

"So, this case is actually a family issue. Investigators suggest that this issue can be resolved through mediation. However, there is no common ground yet," he said.

Regarding the handling of this case, the Spokesperson for the NTB District Attorney (Kejati) Efrien Saputera said that the public prosecutor had sent a P-21A letter or a follow-up notification that the results of the investigation were complete to police investigators.

With the delivery of the letter, he explained, police investigators have 30 days to carry out phase two starting from receiving the P-21A letter from the public prosecutor.

"So, investigators in this case must immediately carry out phase two," said Efrien.

If it is not implemented, he explained, the Investigation Commencement Order (SPDP) can be returned to investigators and will be counted as arrears for the public prosecutor.

"Therefore, we give the basis for P-21A so that stage two will be carried out immediately," he said.

Hendi Ronanto, the reporting legal adviser in this case, also questioned the reason for the investigators who postponed the implementation of phase two.

In this case, Ronan also said that there were two suspects besides MU, namely a woman with the initials WD. The two suspect files have been declared complete by the public prosecutor or P-21.

"That's why the case is already P-21, but not yet stage two because one of the suspects is sick," said Ronan.

He also revealed that investigators had received a outpatient certificate for the suspect MU from the West Nusa Tenggara Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

"This means that if it has been declared outpatient, investigators can carry out phase two," he said.

In this case, MU was named a suspect under the suspicion of Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code concerning letter forgery. Meanwhile, the suspect WD is subject to Article 263 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code regarding the use of the fake letter.

Tersangka MU pun terungkap berperan sebagai penjual tanah dan tersangka WD sebagai pembeli. Namun, sebagian lahan dari luas 2 are yang dijual MU itu merupakan hak dari pelapor.

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