WAMENA - Jayawijaya Resort Police confirmed the attack on two civilians in Wamena District on Sunday night was not related to last week's riots in Sinakma that left 10 people dead.

The police also claimed to have pocketed the identities of the perpetrators of the attack on residents at two locations in Wamena District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Mountains Province, Sunday evening, February 26. Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri said that currently the police were investigating the attack case and already knew the identity of the perpetrators. "The public is asked to remain calm and not be influenced by irresponsible or hoax news," said the Police Chief as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 27. He explained that the case of the attack on civilians in Wamena occurred on Jalan Suci and Jalan Sanger with two victims, namely Laude Deti (42) and Esra Surbakti (39) who are currently undergoing treatment at Wamena Hospital. at one of the places where the case occurred on Jalan Sanger, the perpetrators left evidence in the form of a Nopol PA 2107 motorcycle and a machete which has now been secured by the police. "The perpetrators of the persecution have nothing to do with the rioting case that occurred on the previous Thursday," said the Kapolda.

The riot that occurred in Sinakma, Wamena, Thursday, February 23, started with the issue of kidnapping. When members of the Jayawijaya Police tried to handle the case, suddenly a group of people provoked them by attacking police officers.

The police then fired warning shots, but residents ignored them until riots occurred. It was recorded that 10 people died and 41 people were injured, including members of the National Police.

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