JAKARTA - His face was tense to observe the mic area in front of the judge's face. Hendra Kurniawan is ready to wait for a verdict. When the sentence of 3 years in prison was handed down, the defendant's daughter's tears broke the investigation into the death of Brigadier J.

Hanin, the daughter of the former Karo Paminal, was present at the South Jakarta District Court. He sat in the stands and continued to listen to the proceedings while Hendra only held a few meters of tense arms when he was beaten.

Initially, Hanin showed his attitude like a court audience. Wearing a black shirt he sat on the left row of the visitor seats.

Hanin was seen accompanied by a colleague who also sat next to him.

When the judge read out the verdict, Hanin's tears immediately fell wet his cheek. Especially, when he heard that his father was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison.

There was also a gesture of Hanin's body looking down. Then, his next-sided colleague hugged him to strengthen him.

Shortly thereafter, the woman immediately left the courtroom. One shot was spoken from his mouth, even though various questions were raised by reporters.

Hanin is known to be the son of Hendra Kurniawan based on information from Ragahdo Yosodiningrat as the lawyer for the former Karo Paminal of the Police Propam Division.

"Yes (Hanin's son Hendra Kurniawan), who was wearing black clothes. He came with his friend," said Ragahdo.

Hendra Kurniawan was found guilty in the obstruction of justice case. Thus, the panel of judges sentenced him to three years in prison.

Not only criminal sanctions, but the panel of judges also imposed a fine. The amount reached Rp. 20 million, a subsidiary of three months in prison.

"The defendant Hendra Kurniawan was sentenced to three years in prison," said Chief Judge Akhmad Suhel.

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