DENPASAR - National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo transferred several high and middle officers including 3 Police Chiefs in Bali.

Head of Bali Police Public Relations, Commissioner Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto, said the three Police Chiefs who were transferred were the Badung Police Chief, the Gianyar Police Chief and the Tabanan Police Chief.

The transfer was stated in the Telegram Letter of the Chief of Police with numbers ST/498/II/KEP/2023 and ST/497/II/KEP/2023, dated 26 February 2023 which was signed by the Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner General of Police Gatot Eddy Pramono.

For the Bali Police, Commissioner Satake said that six middle-ranking officers were promoted to new positions, including three Heads of Police.

The Police Intermediate Officer who was transferred within the jurisdiction of the Bali Police, namely AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra who previously served as the Tabanan Police Chief, was appointed Deputy Director of the Bali Police Special Criminal Investigation.

Second, AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes, who previously served as Badung Police Chief, was appointed as Tabanan Police Chief to replace AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra.

Furthermore, the position of Badung Police Chief, which was previously held by AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes, has now been replaced by AKBP Teguh Priyo Wasono, who previously served as Head of Sub-Division 1 of Ditreskrimsus Polda Bali.

For the position of the Gianyar Police Chief, the new position was held by AKBP Ketut Widiada, who previously served as Acting Head of the Bagrengarta Rojemengar Srena Police Sub-Division Headquarters.

For AKBP I Made Bayu Sutha Sartana, who previously served as the Gianyar Police Chief, now has a new assignment as the Head of the Bali Police Prologue Kabagbekum.

In addition, another official who was transferred was Commissioner I Made Sinar Subawa who served as Bali Police Intelligence Deputy Director and now occupies the position of Middle Officer in Criminal Investigation Police with a new assignment to the National Narcotics Agency.

"Mutations within the Police are commonplace because there are those who are entering retirement and there are also those who have to get promotions", said Commissioner Satake Bayu.

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