Rizal Ramli Says Risma Blusukan Terlalu Lebay, Citizen: Are You Healthy Om?
Senior economist, Rizal Ramli. (Photo: Instagram @rizalramliofficial)

JAKARTA - The blusukan action carried out by the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini at several points in the city of Jakarta was again mentioned. This time it came from a senior economist and former Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Rizal Ramli.

Rizal Ramli wrote in a tweet on twitter, @RamliRizal, Friday, January 8. He asked Risma not to play because the people were fed up with typical play leaders.

"Miss Risma ,, never mind. Don't be too overbearing. People are fed up with the overbearing styles of" Theater Leader ", which only pretend to be populist, but their policies are not pro-people. Unite hearts, thoughts and actions for the people," tweeted Rizal Ramli.

Rizal Ramli's tweet then invited comments from netizens on the blue bird application. There are those who agree with him, some are sneering.

The @ budikur001 account, for example, said that Risma's blusukan was a common practice while serving as Mayor of Surabaya.

"Njenengan (you) are healthy, uncle ... That's the style of the 10 year old mbo in Surabaya. Not sitting behind the table. It's the habit of dirty hands to take care of the residents. Not dirty mouths ... How come more and more people don't have rice so every day. integrity pledge for a bite of thrill and support. "

The @DedieRuji account even mentions blusukan as a habit done by Rizal Ramli as well. "Why are you angry, you often blusukan at the time to the port etc. People are also fed up with your stale babble," he tweeted.

On the other hand, there are netizens who agree with Rizal Ramli's tweet. Risma was asked to find a spectacular breakthrough in dealing with Persons with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS).

"Agreed ... the people are fed up with such treats, sir .... look for a smart breakthrough that is even more spectacular," tweeted the rongkomod72gma1 account.

Social Minister Risma's blusukan action caught the attention of Jakarta residents when she visited Jl. MH Thamrin and Sudirman. The oddity arises because so far, homeless people or homeless people rarely roam the main streets.

Some netizens also took the initiative to find out who the middle-aged man with white hair was talking to Risma. It is alleged that the man is more often in Manggarai, South Jakarta.

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