MEDAN - The Social Service (Disos) of Medan City, North Sumatra, stated that they are increasingly routinely raiding "silver people" as support for the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of North Sumatra Province.

"We together with Satpol PP carry out PPKS (Social Welfare Service Administration) raids in Medan at night," said the Head of the Medan City Social Service Agency, Khoiruddin Rangkuti, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 23.

After conducting a raid, he continued, his party secured the PPKS who had been caught, then carried out an assessment by looking at the background of the "silver man" individual.

For example, if the "silver man" is an abandoned person in Medan City, then his party will hand it over to the North Sumatra Provincial Social Service to be accommodated in a social institution.

It is known, the "silver man" action was originally to attract public attention in raising funds, but now it has become a livelihood at the crossroads of the capital.

Data from the Medan City Social Service at the end of 2022 stated that the number of PPKS in this area was around 600 people, including "silver man", homeless people, beggars, clown kids, and so on.

"If the family is still there, we will call the local head or neighborhood head to pick them up. While making a statement not to repeat the work again," he said.

Khoiruddin strongly supports the Medan City MUI which calls on the Medan City Government to train "silver human" skills, because they are the next generation of the nation.

His party together with the relevant OPD leaders has also held a meeting with the Medan City MUI to discuss the follow-up to the presence of the "silver man" in this area.

The MUI of North Sumatra issued a fatwa against the silver profession because it is against Islamic law. The fatwa was the result of the Ijtima Ulama Fatwa Commission throughout North Sumatra on 25-26 November 2022.

"Our hope is that what was conveyed by the MUI of North Sumatra, can be implemented. But how about educating 'silver people' so that they no longer carry out activities that torture themselves," he said.

His party still has problems, specifically in further handling the results of the "silver man" raid in Medan City.

"We are still in the stage of building a social protection house in Medan Tuntungan. Hopefully next year it can be completed and operational," said Khoiruddin.

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