JAKARTA - A video recording of an amateur camera was recorded and went viral on social media regarding allegations of illegal levies (Pungli) in the Tanah Abang Market area, Central Jakarta. Residents hope that the Police will eradicate thuggery in the area.

The video footage shows a number of men queuing for something from a car driver passing through the area.

Dalam narasi caption tersebut tertulis, 'kasihan pedagang Pasar Tasik, jauh-jauh dagang ke Pasar Tanah Abang setiap pulang digrumutin seperti ini'. Kejadian tersebut tertulis kerap terjadi di hari Senin dan Kamis di kawasan Tanah Abang.

"If they don't give them money, they say rudely," wrote the caption.

Responding to the video of thuggery in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin explained that his party was aware of the incident.

"We have followed up on the case," he briefly told VOI, Thursday, February 23.

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