JAKARTA - Indonesia has the opportunity to receive 108 million doses of vaccine provided by the World Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) for free. This was confirmed in the signing of the GAVI Covax Facility vaccine form.

"We are happy because the vaccine from GAVI is free. So, the Indonesian government does not pay for the procurement of this vaccine," said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin in the Ministry of Health's Youtube broadcast, Thursday, January 7.

Budi said, currently Indonesia has received 125 million doses of vaccine from Sinovac from China, 50 million AstraZeneca vaccines, 50 million Novavax vaccines, and 50 million Pfizer vaccines.

With the total addition of this vaccine, 181 million Indonesians who are prioritized to receive vaccination with two injections will be fulfilled.

The details, from a total of 269 million inhabitants. They are the age group over 18 years to 59 years. Then, if you reduce people who have comrbid diseases, pregnant women, and patients who have recovered from COVID-19, the estimated priority for vaccination is 181 million people.

"With the potential of Pfizer, which is Allah willing, we can sign it in the near future, and there is also the potential for 108 million doses of GAVI, God willing, it will be enough for 181 million Indonesians," Budi explained.

Continuing, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said, certainty regarding this vaccination can make Indonesian people calm.

This vaccination, said Sri, is an important step. However, this is not enough. People still have to apply health protocols. Meanwhile, the government is always trying to find other ways to cure COVID-19.

"We continue to work hard to find other cures for COVID-19. We urge people to implement health protocols," he said.

Sri said the free vaccine could save the budget for vaccines and vaccinations that the government will issue this year. Because the Gavi Covax vaccine is free, it is different from the paid synovac vaccine.

"The estimated cost of procuring vaccines and vaccination programs is more than Rp. 73 trillion, so the vaccine from GAVI helps the needs of the vaccination program. This is the highest priority for the budget in providing vaccines and vaccinations," he said.

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