JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Lestari Moerdijat expressed the importance of ensuring safety and comfort during the Lebaran 2023 homecoming process. The homecoming process is confirmed to have a significant impact on the national economic sector.

"The multidimensional potential of the upcoming homecoming event must be properly maintained through careful preparation so that homecoming in April can run smoothly and safely," said Lestari Moerdijat, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 21.

"Anticipating the movement of tens of millions of travelers to their hometowns ahead of the upcoming Eid al-Fitr must be carefully prepared, considering that the homecoming process has the potential to encourage national economic improvement and strengthen cultural values and community unity," added Lestari.

On Monday, the Ministry of Transportation estimated that around 80 million people would carry out homecoming at the momentum of Lebaran 2023. This is based on the consideration that there are no more restrictions on community activities and improving economic conditions.

According to Lestari, stakeholders and the community must really make thorough preparations, considering that the movement of tens of millions of people at almost the same time has the potential to present many challenges.

Rerie, Lestari Moerdijat's nickname, believes that the momentum of going home that has the potential to be a means to strengthen cultural values, national unity and integrity in society must be utilized as well as possible.

Moreover, said Rerie, who is also a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Central Java electoral district II, in the homecoming process, it is certain that it will have a significant impact on the national economic sector.

Then, Bank Indonesia noted that at Eid, there was always an impetus for cash requests. In 2019, BI recorded cash requests reaching IDR 192 trillion during the Eid period and in 2020 around IDR 158 trillion.

Meanwhile, records from Indonesia Development and Islamic Studies (IDEAS) concluded that the circulation of money during the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr reached Rp. 142.2 trillion. The funds are used for transportation, accommodation, consumption, and recreation needs.

With the estimated circulation of money up to hundreds of trillions of rupiah, Rerie said the homecoming and backflow processes in the upcoming Eid period can be managed as well as possible so that a significant positive impact on a number of sectors can be realized.

The readiness of a number of transportation facilities and infrastructure as well as infrastructure in a number of areas, according to Rerie, must be ensured long ago to suppress potential obstacles that arise during the homecoming process in April.

Rerie really hopes that the government at the central and regional levels will be able to build strong collaboration in order to create a safe and comfortable homecoming for the entire community, which in it has the potential for strengthening in the economic sector and national unity.

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