JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that throughout 2020, his party received and followed up about 200 letters of complaint reports from the public regarding the implementation of the anti-graft commission's duties and powers.

"During 2020, the KPK Supervisory Board has received and followed up on 247 letters of complaint regarding the implementation of the KPK's duties and powers, which are then subject to review and / or clarification," said KPK member Artidjo Alkostar in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Thursday. , January 7.

Of the 247 letters of complaint, continued Artidjo, as many as 87 reports have been processed with response letters to the reporter. Then, 60 reports were forwarded to related work units at the KPK and 100 reports were filed because they were not followed up.

"Maybe the address is not clear, it may also be repeated," he said.

Regarding the complaints received by his party, said Artidjo, this would be used as material for the supervision of the KPK Supervisory Board when conducting a meeting to coordinate the supervision of the KPK's duties and authorities.

"Complaints received from public complaints, whether written orally, we will verify the accuracy, it could also be from the news, it could also be other sources," he explained.

"We will respond to each complaint in the news wisely so that every complaint will be considered valuable," he added.

Furthermore, the supervisory board also monitors the implementation of KPK's duties and authorities through field visits to four locations, namely Bandung, Sumedang, Banten and Banjarmasin.

This activity is carried out as a follow-up to the complaint reports received by the supervisory board and the results of the coordination meeting which are carried out in two ways. First, through field monitoring, especially for confiscated items by the KPK that have economic value or confiscated objects in the form of assets.

Second, through interviews with Rupbasan officers or related parties who received the custody of KPK confiscated assets.

"The target of monitoring is to ensure that the management carried out by the KPK during the case handling process has been carried out in accordance with applicable procedures and is accountable in order to optimize asset recovery," he concluded.

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