JAKARTA - The blusukan action carried out by the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini is advised not to overly respond to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This is because there are many important programs that need to be realized, as proof of concern for the citizens of the capital city.

Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahadiansyah said one of the programs involved social assistance funds. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has eroded people's income needs to be addressed through social assistance funds.

"If necessary (DKI Pemprov) escorts to the house, so that it doesn't cut it and is right on target. That is much more important than being reactive to what Risma is doing," Trubus told VOI when contacted in Jakarta, Thursday, January 8.

The second thing that the bureaucracy led by Anies Baswedan needs to do is prepare a hospital for COVID-19 patients. According to Trubus, currently the capacity of the hospital to treat COVID-19 patients is almost full.

"This is what you have to look for," he said briefly.

-https: //voi.id/berita/25589/jika-blusukan-risma-di-thamrin- only-drama-sama-saja-tampar-dinsos-dki

-https: //voi.id/berita/25549/daripada-blusukan-pengamat-s Saran-risma-sibuk-b Bersih-b Bersih-kemensos

-https: //voi.id/berita/25546/mensos-risma-dianggap-salah-sasaran-warga-dki-tak-percaya-lagi-blusukan-karena-php

Next is the burial location for patients who died from COVID-19. The Pondok Ranggon TPU which is the reference location for the body, for example, is full.

The DKI Provincial Government has also given permission so that the body of COVID-19 can be buried outside the reference TPU, with various strict requirements. Trubus said, this problem should not be missed by Anies and his bureaucracy.

"Jakarta has to find a place to bury people, until now it has only been in Rorotan (the location that was prepared as a TPU). Isn't that a swampy area, when a burial was built? Swamp is a place for water absorption. So it must be looked for," explained Trubus.

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