The East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) has checked residents' reports regarding the fire at the Royal Residence housing estate, Jalan Bignonia 2, Block B6 32, Pulogebang Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

"After we checked, the object that caught fire was only television at a resident's house. We only carried out crime scene checks and the blackout was complete," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, Monday, February 20.

From the results of the investigation by officers at the fire site, the fire occurred in electronic items that were no longer used by the owner.

"We have deployed 3 units with 15 personnel to the location of the fire. The fire was extinguished at around 13.30 WIB," he said.

Luckily, the fire lighting was immediately resolved so that there was no propagation of fire in other parts of the house. The owner of the house puts the unused television on the outside of the house.

"It's been 5 months being placed outside. Suddenly it exploded due to exposure to the sun, exposed to radiation from the sun," he said.

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