The existence of the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono has been found in the aftermath of the helicopter incident he was traveling in on an emergency landing at Tamia Jambi Hill, Muara Emat, Jambi. His condition is said to be quite healthy even though he suffered injuries to his hand.
"Yes, his hand was injured," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Monday, February 20.
However, it was not specified how badly injured the two-star general was.
So far the team is carrying out the evacuation process. It is hoped that the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage can be taken to the hospital today. "His condition is stable," he said.
The plan is that Inspector General Rusdi Hartono will be taken to the nearest hospital. However, it is possible if a larger hospital will be referred.
"Indeed, it takes acceleration of evacuation for further medical treatment. So the hospital that we are also preparing is the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Jambi," he said.
"We also prepare aircraft if the treatment at the hospital is not able, later we will fly the plane to Jakarta so that medical treatment is more efficient and effective and the maximum handling of victims," continued Dedi.
Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage experienced a terrible incident. The helicopter they were traveling in lost contact on Sunday, February 19.
For the chronology of the incident on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 09.25 WIB, the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage flew from Jambi City to Sungai Penuh City to carry out work visits, the inauguration of the Kerinci Police SPKT Office and securing the visit of the former Indonesian Vice President Dr. Drs. HM Jusuf Kalla in Kerinci.
At 11.02 WIB, the Jambi Police Command Post received a report from the Bell 412 SP Reg Heli crew. The P-301 is expected to fall at the S20 9’ 3,53” E1010 42’ 12,63” to be precise, Tamiai Village, Batang Merangin District, Kerinci Regency, with the reason that it is not yet known.
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