JAKARTA - Chairman of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Doni Monardo, said that the transmission of COVID-19 in the community tends to increase. In fact, based on data on active cases of COVID-19, it has now doubled compared to early November 2020.

"Within two months, there was a twofold increase in active cases," Doni said in a press conference broadcast on the BNPB YouTube account, Thursday, January 7.

He explained, early November 2020, active cases of COVID-19 reached 54,000 people. However, this figure increased on Wednesday, January 6, where the number of active cases reached 110,000 people.

"In the afternoon it was even reported that it had reached 112 thousand people," he said.

This increase certainly has an impact on the addition of patients in almost all hospitals in the country. In fact, at the same time health facilities belonging to the central and regional governments are no longer able to accept COVID-19 patients due to limited facilities and health personnel.

Thus, limiting community activities on the islands of Java and Bali is one of the steps taken by the government. The restrictions will be held in a number of areas on the two islands starting from January 11 to January 25.

"There needs to be precise and measured steps so that this active case does not escalate and we can control the public so that more people are not exposed," he said.

"And this is not a prohibition but a limitation. So there are no activities that are prohibited. Activities can still run but are limited," added Doni.

Previously reported, the government through the Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPC-PEN) Airlangga Hartarto decided to implement the PSBB in Java and Bali. The goal is none other than to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

This new policy took effect on January 11 and ends on January 25. This is also part of the government's anticipation to be aware of the finding of a new variant of COVID-19 which is said to be more contagious.

This decision is in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating Handling of COVID-19.

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