43 Year Age Elephant Death Chronology At Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation Camp Simalungun
Photo via Antara

Head of North Sumatra BKSDA Center, Rudianto Saragih Napitu explained an elephant named Dwiki, died at the location of Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation Camp (ANECC), Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra.

The male elephant Dwiki, aged approximately 43 years, was declared dead in ANECC, Simalungun Regency, February 14, 2023 at 06.20 WIB.

"On December 18, 2022, two Dwiki and Dini elephants were moved from Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary (BNWS) to Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation Camp (ANECC)," said Rudianto, in a statement obtained, Friday, February 17, as reported by Antara.

Rudianto said that the elephant was always accompanied by a medical team of veterinarians from Vesswic. After arriving at ANECC, intensive care is carried out by providing feed, medicines and vitamins.

Then, on January 7 to 8, 2023, the Vesswic Medical Team, namely drh. Daniel Sianipar and drh. Munhar made a visit to ANECC to monitor the health of Dwiki and Dini elephants.

"At the time of the examination of the health condition of the Dwiki elephant, it was found that the outer wound on the right cheek had started to improve and the elephant had started to eat and drink even though it was a little," he said.

He said that on the second Sunday of February 2023, Dwiki's elephant began to experience a change in behavior, namely not wanting to eat. Due to this condition, on February 11, 2023, Doctor Veswic returned to ANECC.

Furthermore, the Vesswic team was also confirmed by the Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation of species and Genetics by sending an elephant expert veterinarian from Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI), drh. Bongot Huaso Muka and drh. M. Nanang Tejolaksono, to carry out intensive care of Dwiki elephants.

"The action taken by giving 100 bottles of infusion, medicine and vitamins. However, the condition of the Dwiki elephant weakened, finally on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 06.20 WIB it could not be helped and was declared dead," he said.

The Head of BBKSDA said that a necropsy was carried out with results in accordance with the doctor's explanation, the Dwiki elephant had an infection in the lower right teeth so that it could not grow normally. This causes healthy upper house teeth to not grow normally, so that the appearance of teeth becomes asymmetric between left and right, this dental structure disorder causes the elephant to find it difficult to eat, and the incoming food decreases.

"This has an impact on the stomach, the volume cannot be optimal, this is exacerbated by stomach abuse so that it has an impact on malnutrition and malabsortion, where the body has difficulty absorbing nutrients from food so that there is a decrease in health and weight," he explained.

Rudianto added that after the death of the Dwiki elephant, Nekropy's action was immediately carried out by the Veswic, TSI and North Sumatra BBKSDA team. The results of the Nekropy found inner jaw wounds so that the elephant did not want to eat so that death. At the time of the Nekropies, samples of the body were taken, namely the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, runoff, and urineal Vesica for Hystopatology examination at the Medan Veterinary Center to get more valid information regarding the death of the Dwiki elephant.

"The Nekropies of the Dwiki elephant carcass on February 14, 2023 were buried at the ANECC location, while the elephant tusk was cut to be stored at the North Sumatra BBKSDA," said Rudianto.

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