JAMBI - The Jambi Police Corruption Unit is conducting an investigation into the corruption case of athletes' food funds in the Education and Sports Center program at the Jambi City Youth and Sports Agency (Dispora). Responding to this, the Jambi Bastari Provincial Head of Dispora admitted that currently the police are conducting an investigation into the alleged corruption case of the Student Sports Center (PPLP) funds for the 2022 Fiscal Year. "The alleged corruption was reported by the public to the Jambi Police Satreskrim Corruption Unit and the object is still being investigated and the object is a food fund for athletes of Rp1.1 billion," said Bastari when confirmed, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 17. He did not deny the existence of an investigation process carried out by the police regarding the case in the 2022 fiscal year, but the tender was 2021 before he served as head of the service. "The funds of these activities had previously been examined by the Inspectorate and there were no findings, but are currently being examined by BPK and all agencies are under investigation," he explained. Previously, the Jambi Police Satreskrim Corruption Crime Unit (Tipikor) Team was currently handling the alleged corruption case of the Jambi Provincial Student Education and Sports Center Fund (PPLP). Jambi Provincial Youth and Sports Crime Unit. Jambi Satreskrim Ipda Putu Gede Purwita said that his party had received public complaints about this case and public complaints were still being investigated in which the value was reported in the amount of Rp1.1 billion, which is a food fund for PPLP athletes.

The Corruption Unit has examined the Jambi Dispora PPK on behalf of Agustian in this case. "We have examined the PPK, only one person is because we are still investigating it," he said. The Jambi Police are still waiting for the results of the BPK audit of the Jambi Dispora in this case. "Later, we will use the findings from BPK as additional material in the investigation of this case while waiting for the results of the BPK audit to come down," he said.

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