Instead Of Blusukan, Observers Suggest Risma Is Busy Cleaning Up The Ministry Of Social Affairs
Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahadiansyah advised the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini not to be busy doing blusukan. The most crucial thing waiting for Risma is the courage to clean up the internal ministries they lead.

"The point is structural reform, made lean. People who do not commit are replaced, corrupt ones, for example the Director General is replaced. Next is strengthening collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs at the central and regional levels. That is the most urgent," Trubus explained to VOI on Wednesday. , January 6.

Further improvements regarding the target of social assistance or regular programs made by the Ministry of Social Affairs, such as PKH, BPNT, PBI-JK. Moreover, according to the KPK's findings, the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) does not match the National Identity Number (NIK) data and is not updated.

"So the data is not synchronous. There are people who receive double (assistance) or some are registered but do not receive. So you should pay attention to that first," explained Trubus.

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Furthermore, attention to recipients of aid that was distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs through PT POS. Since now is the COVID-19 pandemic which requires everyone to obey the 3M protocol (Wear a mask, Wash hands and Maintain Distance), the format of assistance needs to be rethought.

"So if people want to take cash assistance from PT POS, they come in droves, crowds. It's useless if PSBB doesn't pay attention to it. I mean it must be fixed," explained Trubus.

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