JAKARTA - A total of 1,056 players aged 12 and 13 years from 64 teams from 13 provinces and 1 ASEAN country are ready to compete in the Tays Bakers Barati Cup tournament at Bali United Training Ground on February 16-18.

This tournament is a series of activities from the global Proud Red and White (BARATI) program as well as the selection of the Tays Bakers BARATI team which will take part in the world's largest youth football tournament World Youth Cup Gothia Cup in Sweden in July 2023.

The CEO of WESTERN Indonesia, Krisna Wisnu Marsis, said that this tournament is a responsibility to invest in the future of young football talents.

"Through this Tays Bakers Barati Cup tournament, we want to take a role in developing the next generation of football by providing a platform to support the country's best talent in achieving their full potential," Krisna said in a written statement, Friday, February 17.

The Tays Bakers Barati Cup tournament is held for 3 days with a total of 256 matches in 8 fields. On the first day, the team was divided into 8 groups where each of the 4 teams competed with each other in a round robin format.

Then on the 2nd day, the team in the re-group is in accordance with the standings in each group on the first day. Then on the 3rd day the knockout system was implemented to determine the tournament champion.

The selection will be carried out by Coach Indra Sjafri to choose the 30 best players who will be prepared for 10 days in Jakarta before being dispatched to Sweden.

"Not only technical preparations that include physical and skill, but these children will later be mentally prepared for their trip to Sweden," added Krisna.

WARATI World is a young football talent incubator program with the spirit of nationalism that aims to create a place for professional, fun, and safe early-time football talent. This is the second time the World WORTI has sent a team to the international Gothia Cup tournament in Sweden. In 2022, the team won six wins by successfully scoring 32 goals against a representative team from England, Germany, to the host Sweden.

This event was also supported by the Soetantyo Foundation which focuses on 3 social aspects, namely talent development, nutrition and health, as well as the environment and sustainability.

"We are also proud of the talents of the children who are present in this activity. In the future, the Soetantyo Foundation will continue to be committed to supporting programs similar to the focus of its social aspects, in order to build and create a superior and advanced Indonesia," said Dicky Hernawan as Chair of the Soetantyo Foundation.

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