JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said there was still a chance for Richard totaling alias Bharada E to continue serving in the Bhayangkara Corps as a member of Brimob.
However, this matter will be determined in the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial.
"Yes, that opportunity exists (Bharada E remains as a police officer, ed)," General Sigit told reporters, Thursday, February 16.
However, regarding the timing of the KKEP trial for Bharada E, Sigit could not confirm it. The reason is that the administrative process and others are being prepared.
"We are looking at the existing process. And we ask the Propam team to prepare everything to be carried out," he said
On the other hand, Sigit said that later all the facts of the criminal trial that had been completed would be used as a recommendation. Thus, the results of the ethics trial will be objective.
"We follow the progress of the trial every day. What the judge considers is our note. We also see what the community hopes for," said Sigit.
For information, Bharada E was found guilty in the premeditated murder case of Yosua alias Brigadier J. Thus, he was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months.
In fact, the verdict of the panel of judges has been signed or has permanent legal force. This is because the public prosecutor's camp and Bharada E did not file an appeal.
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