YOGYAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono is legally inaugurated by Joko Agus Setyono as Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI Jakarta. Joko was chosen by President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi after an open selection of high-ranking officials from the DKI Provincial Government. Then what is Joko Agus Setyono's track record like?

Jokowi's alternative actually seems unusual. Because Joko did not come from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov). In the selection of the DKI Regional Secretary, Marullah Matali's substitution, actually, was attended by 10 people.

Nine of them are DKI Provincial Government Civil Servants (PNS) and only Joko is an official outside the DKI Provincial Government.

Not only that, Joko has never had experience in the DKI Provincial Government. Even though in 2010, he had worked at the DKI Provincial Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), which incidentally outside the DKI Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD).

According to his track record, Joko has partially led BPK at the regional level. He has served as Head of the East Java Representative BPK Secretariat since 2014, then Head of BPK Representative for Riau Islands Province in 2017-2018.

Next, Joko has served as Head of BPK for West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) since 2020. Then, he will hold the position of Head of BPK Representative for East Java in 2020, and Head of BPK Representative for Bali Province since 2022.

Heru carried out Joko's inauguration as Secretary of DKI at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta on Wednesday (15/2/2023) at 16.00 WIB. On that occasion, Heru took the oath of office.

"By expressing gratitude for the absence of Allah SWT, who is Almighty for his taufik and guidance { hence) today Wednesday, February 15 in February 2023, {Aku} The Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta hereby "sahlegally" inaugurates you as an official high-ranking middle and pratama in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Heru at the location.

Before taking the oath of office, Joko also carried out the signing of the inauguration, the handover of positions from the Acting Regional Secretary of DKI Uus Kuswanto, and a memorandum of understanding. Heru wants Joko to be able to carry out his duties as Secretary of DKI and work as well as possible for the benefit of the citizens of Jakarta.

Heru carried out Joko's inauguration as Secretary of DKI at the City Hall of DKI Jakarta on Wednesday (15/2/2023) at 16.00 WIB. On that occasion, Heru took the oath of office.

"By praising the presence of Allah SWT, God Almighty, for his taufik and guidance, today is Wednesday, February 15 in February 2023, I Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta hereby officially inaugurate you as a middle high leadership official and Pratama in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Heru at the location.

Before taking the oath of office, Joko also carried out the signing of the inauguration, the handover of positions from the Acting Regional Secretary of DKI Uus Kuswanto, and a memorandum of understanding. Heru wants Joko to be able to carry out his duties as Secretary of DKI and work as well as possible for the benefit of the citizens of Jakarta.

"I believe you will carry out your duties as well as possible according to the responsibilities given," he said.

Joko's appointment was stated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 13/TPA of 2023 regarding the Appointment of Middle High Leadership Officials within the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta which was signed on Monday (13/2/2023).

"To appoint Mr. Joko Agus Setyono SE, MM, Ak, CA, CSFA, CPA, NIP 196812111996031004, Madya Main Trustees (IV/d), as Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province," Jokowi said in the Presidential Decree, quoted Tuesday (14/2/2023).

Later Joko will start serving as the number one civil servant in Jakarta when he has been inaugurated. The inauguration will be carried out by the Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono at an undetermined time.

"As of the time of the inauguration and for him, an echelon Ib structural position allowance has been given, according to the laws and regulations," Jokowi continued.

This decision is effective from the date of stipulation, namely February 13, 2023.

With this Presidential Decree, it means that Joko has defeated two other candidates for the DKI Regional Secretary, namely Dhany Sukma as Mayor of Central Jakarta and Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata as Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Financial Management Agency.

Joko Agus Setyono's wealth

DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary (Sekda) Joko Agus Setyono, who was just inaugurated on Wednesday (15/2/2023) yesterday, has assets of IDR 1,367,877,104 (IDR 1.36 billion). The amount of wealth is listed on the state administrator's wealth price report website (LHKPN) which was reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on March 30, 2022.

Based on the LHKPN, Joko Agus Setyono's overall wealth consists of total assets minus the debt. Joko's total assets are {surprised} of IDR 2,638,322,104 (IDR 2.63 billion). However, Joko has a debt of IDR 1,270,445,000 (IDR 1,27 billion). Thus, Joko's wealth is up to IDR 1.36 billion.

So after knowing Joko Agus Setyono's track record, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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