JAKARTA - The decision of the panel of judges against Richard totaling alias Bharada E who sentenced him to 1.5 years in prison has been signed or has permanent legal force. The defendant and the prosecutor did not file an appeal.

As a result, the executor of Yosua alias Brigadier J will be released from detention in the month of affection or February 2024.

The prediction is based on the decision of the panel of judges which states that the penalty of 1.5 years or 18 months will be reduced to the period of detention since Bharada E was arrested.

Bharada E was arrested by the Directorate of General Criminal Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on August 3, 2022. This means that he has been in detention for 6 months until the verdict was handed down on February 14.

Thus, there are 12 months remaining or one year of detention that must be served by Bharada E.

"Determining the detention period and the length of detention that the defendant has served are deducted entirely from the sentence imposed," said Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, February 15.

The estimate also refers to the decision of the public prosecutor and Bharada E, who both did not file an appeal.

Especially for the public prosecutor represented by the Attorney General's Office (AGO), the reason behind the decision not to file an appeal was because Brigadier J's family had forgiven Bharada E.

"We see that the families of the victims, Yosua's mother and Yosua's father and their relatives, I see developments from the trial process until the end of yesterday's decision by Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu, an attitude that forgives based on sincerity," said Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) at the AGO Fadil Zumhana.

According to him, the sincere apology from the victim is the highest law than others. Thus, the public prosecutor (JPU) no longer needed to file an appeal because the victim was satisfied.

"In any law, our national law and religious law, including customary law. The word sorry is the highest in the verdict. It means that there is sincerity from his parents and it can be seen from the expression of crying, the judge decides like that," he said.

In addition, another reason is that the judge's decision is considered to have created a sense of justice in society. Because, the day after the decision, positive responses from various circles continued to emerge.

"Sudah terwujud keadilan substantive, keadilan yang dirasakan oleh korban maupun masyarakat, melalui berbagai pemberitaan yang kami terima dan kami respon," kata Fadil.

This prediction could have occurred if during the detention period, Bharada E did not receive remission or cut the detention period for various reasons.

However, if Bharada E gets remission, this former aide to Ferdy Sambo can be released faster. Of course, in accordance with the remission obtained from the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjenpas) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

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