A total of four couples outside the marriage were secured by officers of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Madiun City, East Java, when holding raids on a number of boarding houses. They were secured because they were considered disturbing peace and order. Head of Public Order, Public Order, and Community Protection Satpol PP and Damkar City Madiun Gamal Arfan Afandi said the four non-husband and wife couples were deemed to have violated the Regional Regulation of Madiun Number 8/2010 concerning Amendments to Perda Number 4/2006 concerning the Implementation of Peace and Public Order. "For that, we confiscated their identity cards and we will carry out summons and guidance," said Gamal as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 13. According to him, the raids were carried out at the boarding house of Jalan Bali, Jalan Sriti, and two boarding houses on Jalan Sikatan Gang Merak. From each location, officers secured each pair was varied. Starting from still students to workers. Joint officers from Satpol PP and Damkar Madiun City, the Transportation Service, TNI, and Polri also called the owner of the boarding house to be carried out coaching. "The owner of the boarding house should also take responsibility. Among them we have secured the same couple instead of the husband and wife in one room. If up to three times, there will be strict sanctions for the owner of the boarding house," he said. Therefore, Gamal advised people who have an indekos business to be more selective when choosing tenants. Also, monitoring the tenants so as not to violate the rules while in the room. "Because of small things alone can influence the surrounding community. So, it is better for all to take care of themselves," he added.Gamal added, similar raid activities will continue to be carried out. Thus, the security and order of Madiun City will be increasingly maintained. Mainly, ahead of Ramadan. Ramadhan. Ramazia was also carried out to prevent the existence of boarding houses that are troubling the public because they are inhabited by pairs because they are visited by outside the marriage. Razia is also carried out as an effort to control community disease. I urge the community to report to the officers if there is a violation in the vicinity," he said.

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