The fire that occurred on Saturday, February 11 at midnight at around 23.00 WIB scorched 12 houses in RT 14, 16, and 18 Kelurahan Tungkal III, Tungkal Ilir District, West Tanjungjabung Regency (Tanjabbar), Jambi Province.

The head of the Tanjabbar Fire Service, Iswardi when contacted from Jambi, Sunday, said the fire engulfed at least 12 buildings with details of burning eight units, heavily damaged one unit, moderately damaged two units and lightly damaged one unit with 13 heads of families (KK) or 38 people.

However, there were no fatalities, only material losses of hundreds of millions of rupiah. The fire fighting team extinguished it with 90 minutes and deployed five fleets and one three-wheeled viral unit.

"Our unit has been dispatched to extinguish the fire and thank God it can be overcome at a certain time," he said.

To find out where the cause of the fire came from, he said, currently an investigation is still being carried out by members of the West Tanjab Police.

"The cause is still being investigated, the loss of life of zero material losses is estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah," said Iswardi.

The temporary data is the building that was eaten by the fire which is located in RT 14, namely on behalf of the owner M Jafri (57), Adroji (70), Indra Kafi (53), H Sibal (60), Nurul Apida (47).

Then the buildings in RT 18 are Desi Susilowati (22), H Sina (60), H Muin (70), the shophouse building owned by H Muin, Gafur (40), in RT 16, namely the building belonging to Radius (76), Abdul Hamid (67).

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