JAKARTA - Residents found a dolphin carcass stranded on the southern coast of Jember Regency, East Java Province. Head of the Jember Water Police Unit Iptu Na'im when contacted by telephone in Jember said that residents reported findings of dolphin carcasses on the coast of Mojosari Village, Puger District.

According to him, the carcass of the dolphin has been evacuated and buried in the Jadukan Hamlet area, Mojosari Village, on Friday, February 10.

"The evacuation and burial of dolphins stranded on the coast must be carried out immediately so that it does not become a spectacle for local residents and the carcasses do not pollute the environment," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

He said that the dolphin carcass was found by officers who were cleaning the beach area.

"Officers plan to provide assistance to the stranded dolphins, however, after closer inspection it turns out that the dolphin is dead," he said.

He said that the officers who found the dolphin were then reported to the Jember Water Police Unit, the Puger Sector Police, and the Fisheries Service.

"The dolphin fish is estimated to weigh up to 60 kilograms, with a length of about 1.5 meters," he said.

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