JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) reported that a suspected 10-year-old acyclic acute kidney disorder (GGAPA) was declared negative after further examination.

The suspected patient in Jakarta was reported to have had a fever on January 26, 2023, with complaints of not being able to urinate or postulate.

Meanwhile, another patient who was treated at Dr Moewardo Hospital Surakarta, Central Java, was not included in the GGAPA category. Patients in Central Java experience general kidney failure caused by congenital disease.

"Both of them are not confirmed patients of GGAPA," said Ministry of Health spokesman M Syahril in a written statement from the Ministry of Health's Bureau of Communication and Public Services, Friday, February 10.

The GGAPA case in Indonesia re-emerged on January 25, 2023 after nil since early December 2022. One confirmed case of GGAPA was experienced by a 1-year-old child with a history of consuming fever-depletion drugs purchased at a pharmacy.

On January 28, the patient had a cough, fever, runny nose, and could not urinate. Then, he was taken to the Pasar Rebo Health Center, Jakarta, for examination, and on January 31 he received a referral to the Adhyaksa Hospital.

Due to GGAPA symptoms, it is planned to be referred to the RSCM, but the family refused and chose to go home forcibly. On February 1, 2023, parents took the patient to the Police Hospital and received treatment in the emergency room, and the patient had started urination.

On February 1, the patient was then referred to the RSCM for intensive care as well as fomepizole therapy. Then, three hours after being admitted to the RSCM, the patient was declared dead at 23.00 WIB.

Based on the results of a control case study conducted by the Ministry of Health in November against the GGAPA incident, it was found that children who took drugs containing Etylene Glikol/Diethilen Glikol above the safe threshold were at risk of experiencing GGAPA 13 times compared to children who did not take the drug.

The Ministry of Health has responded to the incident with a Circular Letter of the Ministry of Health number SR.01.05/III/3461/2022 concerning the Obligation to Investigation Epidemiology and Reporting of Cases of Accuracy-Progressive Kidney Disorders in Children.

In addition, the Ministry of Health also issued a Decree of the Director-General of Health Services number HK.02.02/I/3305/2022 concerning Procedures for Clinical Management and Accretive Accuracy in Children at Health Service Facilities.

The Ministry of Health also issued a Circular Letter of the Director General of Health Services on October 18, 2022 to all Health Offices, Health Service Facilities, and Health Professional Organizations, which temporarily suspended the use of sirop drugs.

The Ministry of Health has received the results of an investigation conducted by BPOM on February 7, 2023, but in a precautionary manner, Syahril appealed that in consuming medicine, people are still asked to consult a doctor or pharmacist first. The public is also asked to always buy and obtain drugs in official facilities, namely pharmacies or health care facilities.

In addition, it is necessary to get used to the public so that they always read the rules for using drugs and record drug use so that drugs do not occur that exceed the predetermined dose.

"If the child is sick, don't give medicine independently without consulting a doctor. Parents need to be aware of the early symptoms that arise, such as complaints of urinating and if there is a decrease in urine volume, immediately take it to a referral hospital," he concluded.

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