JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to coordinate with New Zealand in an effort to save the missing Susi Air pilot following an incident by the burning of a plane by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua on Tuesday, February 7.

However, Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah at a press briefing session in Jakarta on Friday stated that his party could not explain in detail how far the communication had gone.

He also stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have the authority to publish the status of the pilot, who is a New Zealand national.

"Regarding the status, defense and security authorities that can explain including local governments. As for the context of bilateral relations, communication has been ongoing and continues between Indonesia and New Zealand. We cannot provide further information about that," said Faizasyah.

Susi Airfall Porter PC 6/PK-BVY lost contact on Tuesday (7/2) at 6.35 WIT at the Paro District Airport while carrying out flights on the Timika-Paro-Timika route.

Two hours later, Susi Air found the plane's ELT in an active position at 9.12 WIB which the company responded to with an emergency condition via another plane delivery to check the position of the plane, which was found to be on fire on the runway of the Paro District Airport.

Five passengers, namely Demanus Gwijangge, Minda Gwijangge, Pelinus Gwijangge, Meita Gwijangge and Wetina W were successfully evacuated from Paro to Timika. However, the pilot's whereabouts have yet to be found.

According to a BBC report, Mehrtens, was taken by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB). TPNPB said that Mehrtens was "safe", he said on Wednesday (8/2).

Meanwhile, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono on Wednesday (8/2) said that his party is currently prioritizing finding the whereabouts of Mehrtens after detecting the pilot's whereabouts.

According to Yudo, Mehrtens was not held hostage by the separatist group, but fled after being threatened when the plane he was flying was burned.

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