JAKARTA - The electability of the PDI-P and Gerindra Party has experienced a sharp decline. This is based on a survey conducted by the Voxpopuli Research Center.

In the survey results, PDIP has fallen from 33.5 percent (June 2020) and 31.3 percent (October 2020), now it is only 19.6 percent.

Meanwhile, Gerindra, which was previously stable at 14.1 percent (June 2020) and 13.9 percent (October 2020), has only decreased to 9.3 percent.

Then, the electability of other political parties tends to be stable, only three political parties have increased, namely the Democrats, PKS, and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). PSI electability increased from 4.5 percent (June 2020) and 4.7 percent (October 2020) to 4.9 percent.

Meanwhile, the PKS electability rose from 5.3 percent (June 2020) and 5.6 percent (October 2020) to 8.1 percent. Then the Democrats rose from 3.4 percent (June 2020) and 3.3 percent (October 2020) to 5.1 percent.

"Democrats, PKS and PSI experienced an increase in electability when other political parties fell or were stable," said Dika Moehamad, Executive Director of the Voxpopuli Research Center, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday.

According to Dika, the decline in the electability of the political parties has something to do with the corruption case that involved two ministerial figures from PDIP and Gerindra.

This provides political benefits, especially for political parties outside the government, namely the Democrats and the PKS.

Other political parties have stable electability, such as Golkar (9.8 percent-8.7 percent-8.4 percent), PKB (6.4 percent-5.9 percent-5.5 percent), NasDem (4, 3 percent-3.8 percent-3.6 percent), and PPP (2.7 percent-2.0 percent-2.1 percent).

On the bottom board, there is PAN whose electability continues to decline (1.4 percent-1.2 percent-0.9 percent). The internal conflict and the emergence of a new political party, the Ummat Party led by Amien Rais, made the PAN position even more threatened.

Others are Perindo (0.8 percent-0.6 percent-0.4 percent), Hanura (0.6 percent-0.5 percent-0.3 percent), and Berkarya (0.4 percent-0.2 percent -0.1 percent). Other political parties did not receive support, while the new parties Gelora 0.1 percent and Ummat 0.2 percent.

"The drop in PDIP and Gerindra electability mostly ran to golput, where respondents who said they did not know / did not answer increased significantly, from 12.2 percent (June 2020) and 18.3 percent (October 2020) to 31.4 percent," said Dika explaining.

The Voxpopuli Research Center survey was conducted on 26-31 December 2020, by telephone to 1,200 respondents across Indonesia who were randomly selected from the previous survey since 2019. The survey margin of error was ± 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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