JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, said that Indonesian people want to live in a country free from corruption. So, he hopes that all his employees can work hard to make this happen.

He made this statement when giving directions after inaugurating 38 structural officials at the KPK's Red and White House, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

"People want Indonesia to be free of corruption. NKRI to be free from corruption is not just a dream, but we have to make it happen together with the whole community," Firli said as quoted from an event broadcast on YouTube by KPK RI, Tuesday, January 5.

The former Deputy for Enforcement said that the KPK has increasing main duties based on the vision and mission that has been set. This has prompted the anti-corruption commission to issue and enact Commission Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning the KPK Work Procedure Organization.

He hopes that this internal structural change will enable the KPK to respond to the demands of the people, namely creating a corruption-free country.

Furthermore, Firli did not deny that the condition of this nation was unfavorable amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this should be a common challenge, especially the KPK is demanded to continue to supervise government programs

"The government has made policies related to social network assistance programs, policies for handling the COVID-19 pandemic and policies for national economic recovery," he said.

Inauguration of KPK Officials (Photo: Wardhany / VOI)

Previously reported, Firli had appointed 38 people in the new KPK structure and six of them were police generals who were in strategic positions, namely Inspector General Karyoto as Deputy for KPK Enforcement and Execution.

Subsequently, Brigadier General Didik Agung Widjarnako, Brigadier General Yudhiawan, and Brigadier General Bahtiar Ujang Purnama were appointed respectively as the Coordinating Director for Supervision I, II, and III of the KPK. Then Brigadier General Kumbul Kuswidjanto Sudjadi was appointed as Director of Community Participation Development for the KPK and Brigadier General Agung Yudha Wibowo as KPK Monitoring Director. Irjen Karyoto as Deputy for KPK Enforcement and Execution.

Subsequently, Brigadier General Didik Agung Widjarnako, Brigadier General Yudhiawan, and Brigadier General Bahtiar Ujang Purnama were appointed respectively as the Coordinating Director for Supervision I, II, and III of the KPK. Then Brigadier General Kumbul Kuswidjanto Sudjadi was appointed as Director of Community Participation Development for KPK and Brigadier General Agung Yudha Wibowo as Director of KPK Monitoring.

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