JAKARTA - As many as 15 workers who were building the Paro District Health Center, Nduga, Central Papua, were shocked. They act, accused of being mirrors by Papuan separatist groups.

Seeing the opportunity to escape, the building workers who had been discouraged dared to run away from the death threat. Two days the mountain terrain had not yet been hit, until it finally moved away from Nduga.

Initially, the information was informed by residents after learning that there was a threat to workers from the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya.

The threat occurred Saturday, February 4, two days before Susi Air's plane was set on fire by the KKB at the Paro pads District airfield, Tuesday, February 7 morning.

"So they gathered with the residents. Then he got information about the KKB telling them to leave," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Prabowo, when contacted, Thursday, February 9.

Based on several considerations, the workers decided to leave Paro District. They pack items.

After preparations were completed, they began to step away from Paro District. The workers headed towards mountainous areas.

"They were assisted by five residents, accompany them to the mountains," he said.

Their journey is not as easy as imagined. Two days and one night they spend time walking down mountains and ravines.

"They walked two days and one night, up the mountain through a ravine," said Benny.

Until finally, they arrived at the mountainous area in Nduga. They were also successfully evacuated by Damai Cartenz Operation personnel consisting of the TNI-Polri who were taken to Timika.

Previously, the KKB burned a Susi Air Porter-type plane at the Paro District airport, Nduga, Central Papua on Tuesday, February 7 morning.

The Porter'stype aircraft flew from Timika at 05.33 WIT on Tuesday 7 February. It is scheduled that the plane will arrive at Moses Kilangin Timika Airport at 07.40 WIT.

However, at 6.17 WIT, the plane carrying pilot Captain Philips M from New Zealand and the five passengers lost contact at 6.17 WIT.

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