JAKARTA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kagoya claims to be the mastermind behind the burning of the Susi Air plane in Paro District, Nduga, Papua. Including the hostage-taking of Captain Philips M. The series of incidents began when the Susi Air plane piloted by Captain Philips M landed at the Paro District airfield from Timika on Tuesday, February 7. The arrival of the plane was aimed at evacuating 15 workers who were victims of intimidation by the separatist group. Dozens of workers were intimidated on Saturday, February 4. The reason behind this is that the KKB considers that there is intelligence from the TNI and BIN to be disguised between them. "Yes, actually the 15 planes will be transported to be evacuated. But it turned out that the planes were burned," said TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, Wednesday, February 8. In fact, from that series the KKB claimed to have also held Captain Philips M hostage. However, the TNI Commander denied this. He firmly said there was no action of hostage-taking. This is because the Susi Air pilot was able to escape from the control of the KKB. "Finally he was rescued by one of the people there," said Yudo. In addition, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the whereabouts of Captain Philips M have begun to be detected based on the GPS signal he had brought. In addition, five passengers who had been on the same plane with Captain Philips M have also been successfully evacuated. "All passengers can now be evacuated and have been evacuated," said Sigit. On a separate occasion, Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri said from the GPS signal, Captain Philips M's coordinate point had shifted from Paro District. However, for now its whereabouts cannot be ascertained. This is because the location marker is not functioning. "Yesterday we saw that there was a shift from Paro village about 100 meters into," said Fakhiri.

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