JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance said that Indonesian women played an important role in supporting the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget or APBN.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said this was proven by the increasing dominance of women in purchasing ORI Government Securities (SBN). In her notes, the ORI17 series SBN was dominated by women with a percentage of 55.87 percent of total investors. While in ORI18 it increased to 57.82 percent.

“They are the biggest investors in Government Securities. So women are capable and they understand how to place money in a good investment instrument, "said the Minister in an official statement, Tuesday, January 5.

Based on VOI's records, ORI17 and ORI18 were issued in mid-2020 with a value of IDR 18.33 trillion and 12.97 trillion, respectively. This means that Indonesian women contribute to raising funds of no less than IDR 10 trillion for ORI17 and IDR 7.3 trillion for ORI18.

"This indicates a positive trend of women's participation in the economy, health and education levels," continued the Minister.

On the same occasion, the former IMF boss also presented data that in 2020, Indonesia was ranked 85th in the Global Gender Gap Index, up 28 rankings compared to the previous year.

However, when viewed from the Human Development Index (HDI), Sri Mulyani assessed that there are still many aspects that need to be improved for women's participation, both from the social and economic side.

"Our HDI, if divided between men and women, is lower for women. This means that women's quality is calculated in terms of education, health, they still experience a worse situation than men, ”he said.

It is also stated that if it is calculated in terms of the amount of wages, for equal work, women are paid less than men.

"For this reason, the government will continue to strive to further enhance the role of women so that not only the economy and the country's productivity will improve, but also the quality of life for families and Indonesian children will also increase," concluded the Minister of Finance.

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