SEMARANG - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, received information that there were persons suspected of trying to take advantage of the rising prices of a number of commodities that cause inflation. Ganjar supports the Food Task Force to take decisive action.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending the weekly coordination meeting of the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) led by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian virtually from his official residence, Wednesday 8 February. "Today's food task force we ask for targets and should not hesitate," he said.

Ganjar received information, about the allegation that actors playing in the midst of a situation of rising prices for a number of commodities. The former member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR said that the Central Java Regional Police had taken steps to follow up on this information. "I fully support it. My friends from the police are good at it," he said.


On the other hand, continued Ganjar Pranowo, monitoring and checking must be carried out regularly. So that the Food Task Force can convey in detail which areas have harvested, what is the capacity, what is the price and who is the buyer.

"Secondly, in the markets we will ask the Industrial Trade Service or those related to enter the market, check stock conditions and prices and then later I will ask Bulog to carry out market operations and it is still ongoing," he said.

In line with that, Ganjar also appealed to audio visuals to be included in his presentation to the public. So that the public can know clearly regarding the availability of commodity stocks that have experienced price increases, as well as their handling.

"I ask for the audio visual to be displayed so that the public will all know what the condition is like. So that later the public can convey it to us, then we will issue it," said Ganjar.

Regarding rice, Ganjar asked Bulog to calculate the government's reserve rice stock (CBP). Later the CBP will be disbursed to suppress inflation caused by rising rice prices.

"Including the government's existing rice reserves, we ask to just pour it all out. Because the harvest will soon be over, so don't hesitate. Although of course we are paying attention to disaster conditions, if it's needed later," said Ganjar Pranowo.

Previously it was reported that rice and cooking oil were commodities that caused inflation. This was conveyed by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian in the virtual weekly coordination meeting of the Regional Inflation Control Team, Wednesday 8 February.

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