JAKARTA - Viral video of the commotion between residents and kimmi shop customers in Senen, Central Jakarta some time ago. The commotion broke out because the pengkami customers parked carelessly around residents' houses and blocked vehicles from the garage.

The uploader of this story on the Aninditamulia Instagram account, explained that the Bakmi customer's car also blocked its vehicle when it was about to pass.

He said that his house was in a complex that was quite crowded, so he often had trouble getting out of his private vehicles because there were cars for tubers parked in front of his fence.

The video, which was uploaded on Monday, January 30, has been liked by 28,243 people and received 4,874 comments.

Lala admitted that she was tired of being involved in a commotion with the Bakmi customers who came. To the media, Lala admitted that she had made a complaint through the Jakarta Kini application, aka JAKI.

Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahadiansyah spoke about the viral video. He assessed that the complaint channel like JAKI belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is a policy innovation. The complaint channel, said Trubus, is a policy innovation in the context of accelerating public services.

"Only the problem then is that the policy on the use of the application must be seen in detail because these whistleblowers often need more serious handling," Trubus said, Tuesday, February 7.

Trubus saw that JAKI should be able to respond quickly to incoming reports. Moreover, reports related to issues that have the potential to create divisions or conflicts in society.

"If the reports are only about garbage, the stalled culverts, for example, can be handled. But if the handling of land, regarding conflicts in the community, for example applications such as JAKI (Jakarta) and LaporGub (Central Java) cannot be used effectively," said Trubus.

Nevertheless, he welcomed the JAKI application and Lapor Gub. Because, both were born according to their era, namely the digital era.

On the other hand, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said the public prefers to file a direct complaint with the DKI Jakarta City Hall rather than through JAKI.

Heru Budi claims that people who complain immediately are more satisfied. This is because the public can explain directly the problems they are experiencing.

"There are a lot of files, there needs to be an explanation from them (the community) to the appointed officer (DKI Provincial Government). They (the public) are more satisfied," said Heru some time ago.

To note, Heru has returned the complaint system directly to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through a complaint post at DKI City Hall since the beginning of his leadership. Despite restoring the manual system, JAKI can still be used by residents,

Unlike JAKI, thanks to complaints channels such as LaporGub, the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo received an award for increasing the bureaucratic reform index from level BB to level A. The award was given by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB).

Through the LaporGub application, Ganjar solves several problems in Central Java. One example, a viral video circulated on TikTok some time ago. The video uploaded by the ulhikmah01 account contains the actions of employees arguing with each other with the boss.

"It is suspected that this female employee of PT Sai Apparel Industries is demanding her rights because she has worked overtime. _ It is known that PT Sai Apparel Industries is located in Harjowinangun Village, Godong District, Grobogan Regency, Central Java Province," said a narrative that entered the Gub Report page, February 3, 2023.

The problem has also been handled through the LaporGub page.

Initially, the governor's admin responded to the report on Friday (3/2/2023) at 8.56 WIB. The report was then forwarded to Grobogan Regency.

About an hour later, at around 9.41 WIB the report was immediately received by Grobogan Regency and forwarded to the Grobogan Regency Manpower and Transmigration Office. Then on February 6, 2023, give the results of the investigation of the relevant agencies on the case.

"Izin menjawab adanya video yang viral di media sosial. Terkait dengan informasi tersebut, pihak Disnakertrans Kabupaten Grobogan, bidang Pengawasan Disnakertrans Prov. Jateng, pegawai animalsker wilayah semarang serta pihak kepolisian telah berkunjung untuk meminta klarifikasi kepada manajemen perusahaan dan pihak union yang ada di PT Sai Apparel pada Jumat 3 Februari 2023," tulis Kabupaten Grobogan di laman Lapor Gub.

As for the results of this activity, the first is related to verbal violence, there is a miscommunication between foreign workers and workers, foreign workers have apologized and will be summoned by the police.

"Second, information was taken against employers, 2 (two) workers' unions and several workers. Third, checking documents and other supporting evidence by the Central Java province labor inspector found that there was a violation of the payment of overtime wages, for that the work hours will be calculated and the calculation of overtime wages again. The lack of overtime pay will be paid immediately," explained Grobogan Regency.

The complaint that was included on the Gub Report page also resolved the problem of road damage in Karanganyar on February 4, 2023.

"I want to report on the road on the cartasura (sukoharjo)-colomadu (karanganyar) to be precise on Jalan Adi Sumarmo, there are many holes and endangering motorcyclists, especially motorbikes. Because there have been many motorcycle riders who have accidents being hit by the road, sir," complained a resident.

"Actually, several times there have been road repairs in the form of road patching, but if it is only a patch, if the asphalt rain that is patched will be re-exfoliated, I hope this report can be followed up, sir. For example, like the following video," added the resident.

The problem then received a response from the Lapor Gub page. Two days later on Monday (6/2/2023) at 15.30 WIB, the problem of damaged roads was resolved by the relevant agencies. Just two days after the problem went to the Gub Report page, the problem was resolved.

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