TANGERANG - Although the status of suspect Hasya Attalah (18) has been officially revoked, the family refused to mediate or restorative justice regarding the report he made at the Metro Police on behalf of the reported Purnawirawan AKBP Eko Setio. Because according to Hasya's mother, Dwi Syaviera (50), law enforcement must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.

"From the beginning of restorative justice (RJ), we reject restorative justice, we reject peaceful means, we reject the mediation carried out by everyone," Dwi told reporters at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Tuesday, February 7.

"We only know that the law is enforced as fairly as possible, that's what we are taking now," he continued.

Therefore, Dwi emphasized that he would oversee the case of this deadly accident to completion. Moreover, the matter of reporting to AKBP (Ret.) Eko Setio is related to development during an accident or Article 531 of the Criminal Code.

"Whoever it is, whatever the rank of us is in a state of law, we want, we seek justice as fairly as possible. We ask Indonesian citizens to be able to control it thoroughly," he concluded.

As previously reported, the retired police officer AKBP (Ret.) Eko Setia Budi Wahono was reported by Hasya Athallah's family on suspicion of neglect, negligent in providing assistance at the time of the accident so that Hasya Athallah was late for medical treatment. The University of Indonesia (UI) student finally died.

"(Reported on) the suspicion of negligence in providing assistance," said Hasya's family lawyer, Indira Rezkisari when contacted, Friday, February 3.

AKBP (Ret.) Eko was reported to Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday (2/2) yesterday. This report is registered with the number LP/B/589/II/2023/SPKT/Polda Metro. Hasya's family hopes that this report will be followed up.

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