JAKARTA - The Susi Air plane said that at the Paro airport, Nduga, Central Papua. Susi Air assessed that the fire that appeared in its aircraft unit was likely not triggered by damage or technical matters.

"It seems far from the alleged fire and technical matters that emerged from the plane itself, because the position landed well," said Susi Air attorney Donald Haris in a written statement, Tuesday, February 7.

This was conveyed by Donal considering that Susi Air had carried out a technical examination of the SI 9368 flight number after being burned on the Paro airport runway.

The Porter's sickle flew from Timika at 05.33 WIT and was scheduled to arrive at Moses Kilangin Timika Airport at 07.40 WIT.

However, at 6.17 WIT, the plane carrying pilot Captain Philips M from New Zealand and the five passengers lost contact at 6.17 WIT.

Susi Air is currently investigating and checking the possibility of sabotage in the incident.

"We are making efforts to check whether there was sabotage by certain parties who carried out the destruction related to the plane," said Donald.

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