JAKARTA - The preacher Syekh Ali Jaber is still undergoing intensive care due to being exposed to COVID-19. But Sheikh Ali Jaber's condition is getting better.

"We report that currently he is still in intensive care at a hospital in Jakarta. His condition is getting better. The medical team conveyed what it is, that the development is quite good and continues to show improvement, ”said Syekh Ali Jaber's team via syekh.alijaber's Instagram, Monday, January 4.

However, Syekh Ali Jaber is said to still have to take complete rest in a controlled and measured manner in order to repair and restore some of the physical disorders that have occurred due to COVID-19.

“While Sheikh Ali Jaber was in medical treatment, we tried to continue his hobby, routinely gave alms at dawn and he liked to read Surat Al-Baqarah every day. If you wish, let us follow his habits and ask him to read a prayer for the recovery of Sheikh Ali Jaber, ”the team invited Sheikh Ali Jaber.

Previously Sheikh Ali Jaber announced that he was confirmed positive for COVID-19 through his YouTube account.

In the video, Sheikh Ali Jaber is wearing a red shirt wrapped in a blanket and a breathing apparatus is visible on his nose. At first he did not think he was positive for COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, Innalillah wa Innalillah rojiun. Subhanallah never thought, even though he often swabs, has many times and is always negative," Sheikh Ali Jaber was quoted as saying on Tuesday, December 29.

Himself knew positively after feeling cough and hot. "A few days ago coughing, hot, I took cough medicine, it was hot. I was told to swab again, I didn't feel positive, (then I) came to the house and the results were positive. The heat fluctuated, self-quarantine was not strong. I was taken to the hospital, I am stable despite shortness of breath, "he said.

According to him, this is a test from Allah SWT. He also sincerely lived it. Because, no one can escape from what Allah SWT has set. He also asked for prayers to all to get well soon from his illness.

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