JAKARTA - The attorney for AKBP (Ret.) Eko Setio Budi Wahono, Kitson Sianturi said that his client had made various humanitarian efforts against the family of a student at the University of Indonesia (UI), M Hasya Attalah Syaputra (18). Eko attended taklilan until he made a pilgrimage to Hasya's grave.

"Mr. Eko came during tahlilan and the pilgrimage of the late Hasya. In the month of 2022. That was a form of empathy and sorrow for the victim," said Kitson when confirmed, Monday, February 6.

However, Kitson admitted that his client did not attend the funeral procession. However, sending his family instead to attend the funeral of the late Hasya.

"Our client doesn't want unwanted events to happen later. The name of the grieving person will be more crowded to become a family first when we calm down, then our client," he said.

"And that too when the family of the two-wheeled rider (Hasya) also told me that I wanted to meet Mr. Eko, I immediately brought Mr. Eko, but he didn't want to. We are ready for any form," he concluded.

Hasya's accident with Purnawiran AKBP Eko Setio occurred on Thursday, October 6, at around 21.30 WIB, on Srengseng Sawah Street, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. When the weather occurred in rainy conditions and slippery roads. Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman explained that the incident started when the victim Hasya was traveling from south to north at a speed of 60 km per hour. Based on the testimony of the witness who was a friend of the victim, there was a vehicle that suddenly turned around at the time of the incident. Hasya immediately avoided by stopping the vehicle suddenly. As a result, the victim slipped and entered another road. "So his friend himself explained, that at that time suddenly there was a vehicle in front. (the victim) wanted to turn right so the victim made a sudden braking," said Latif.

At the same time, from the opposite direction, a Pajero car arrived driven by Eko who was said to be traveling at a speed of 30 km/hour. He could not avoid the accident, causing Hasya to get hit.

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