In Early 2023, 37 Dengue Cases Were Reported To Have Occurred In Central Lombok
Officers used mosquito larvae in Praya, Central Lombok

The Health Service (Dikes) of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara noted that during January 2023 the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases reached 37 cases. "The number is spread across various regions in 29 Puskesmas in Central Lombok," said the Head of the Division (Head of) Prevention, Disease Control and Environmental Health (P3KL) of the Central Lombok Health Service, Putrawangsa in Praya, Monday. To anticipate the spread of the disease caused by mosquito bites, his party has already started to make various efforts to deal. The number of cases of this DBD is the same as in early 2022 which reached 37 cases. "If 2022 DBD is currently a location shift. If many in East Praya District, now it is shifted to the Pujut District area, "he said. For the highest case of DBD occurred in Pujut District, which reached 17 cases and the rest there were 3 cases in East Praya. Then in Central Praya 1 case and in Batukliang there were 6 cases and several other locations. On the one hand, if you look from the previous three years data, the Batukliang area was never high in the DBD case but it turns out that early 2023 it became the second highest after Pujut District. If 2022 for the Pujuangliang region at the beginning of the year only two cases of DBD and in the Batuliang area there are two Puskesmas namely Puskesmas Aik Darek and Puskesmas Mantang, and we need to improve the environmental handling again, and in the Batang area we have not done the same treatment as elsewhere and the many cases of this DBD in the Puskes Health Center area to be carried out by the Puskes., he said. Moreover, in the area of Mantang Village is a crowded region and the last case of DBD disease, almost all people has recovered. Only one that has yet recovered.

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